Marie de Nazareth, a group of associations at the service of our donors

French legislation on support for non-profit activities is rich and varied. It is essential to comply strictly with it, but also to offer our donors all the legal advantages available to them. Below is a quick and simple presentation to answer some of the questions some of you may have.


The Association Marie de Nazareth, a non-profit cultural association (under the law of 1901) of general interest, was created in 2001 with the particular aim of making Mary known and loved and enabling as many people as possible to discover all the beauty, depth and truth of the Christian faith. This historic association has helped to create and lead a community of some 250,000 people, and to manage the legal and administrative aspects of the many services it offers.

With the creation of new services that are more spiritual than cultural, such as Le Chapelet pour le Monde (Rosary for the World ), which allows you to deposit prayer intentions that are taken care of by a community of 5,000 praying people, or the activities linked to devotion to Mary who unties knots, it became necessary to create a religious association (under the 1905 law) to be able to validly manage these spiritual services. This association, calledAssociation Prier Marie de Nazareth , has the legal capacity to receive donations and legacies and to issue tax receipts. It is therefore the association that will send you your tax receipt for donations made to our religious activities.

We have also just created an endowment fund (October 2023) called Fonds Marie de Nazareth. This new legal structure is a not-for-profit organisation, governed by the law of 4 August 2008. The purpose of the fund will be twofold
- to be able to receive donations and legacies which this endowment fund will be able to redistribute to our Marie de Nazareth associations, but also, at the request of donors, to friendly associations which use our logistics for donations and tax receipts in compliance with the law and our social objectives.
- The purpose of this fund will also be to receive donations earmarked for the well-advanced 1000 raisons de croire project within the framework of press support legislation (see below).

These three organisations are authorised to issue you with a tax receipt. The amount of the income tax reduction granted to individuals is equal to 66% of the amount paid, up to a limit of 20% of taxable income.

In addition to these three not-for-profit structures, we have two commercial structures:

MDN Productions (E.U.R.L.), a 100% subsidiary of the Association Marie de Nazareth, which manages all our publishing and book sales activities.

1000RC (S.A.S.), a press company, also a 100% subsidiary of the Association Marie de Nazareth, which manages the magazine 1000 raisons de croire and the website It is to this press company that your donations to the Fonds Marie de Nazareth allocated to the 1000 raisons de croire project (see above) will accrue.

These two commercial companies will be able to use their profits to support the non-profit activities of the Association Marie de Nazareth.


All three not-for-profit structures share a common governance with :

  • a chairman: Mr Clément Le Guay,
  • Treasurer: Ms Anne Glaenzer,
  • General Secretary: Nicolas Thomazo
  • Vice-Chairman: Jérôme Stevenson
  • Executive Director: Olivier Bonnassies


The Marie de Nazareth team