Sacred Scripture


Some think that Scripture does not say much about Mary. It that true? Maybe in a quantitative way of speaking, if we were to add the total number of verses and weigh them on a scale. But is that how God wants us to think?

  • Scripture helps us to understand that Jesus spent 30 years with Mary, not counting her pregnancy and his years of public life (Lk 2:51).
  • In two sentences, Revelation tells us that she is the true Ark, which was at the center of all the Old Testament (Rev 11:19).
  • Mary, “blessed among all women" (Lk 1:42), "filled with grace" (Lk 1:28), on whom the Holy Spirit rests (Lk 1:35) must herself admit: "all generations will call me blessed" (Lk 1:48).
  • The entire Old Testament announces Christ in a veiled and prophetic way, but also traces the Face of Mary (Ark of the Covenant, Noah's Ark, Burning Bush, Tabernacle of the Most High, Temple of God, Daughter of Zion, Virgin of Isaiah, Beloved of the Song of Solomon, God’s Paradise, etc.) in a hidden way.

The Holy Spirit Himself is not much evoked in Scripture, but the few passages that speak of Him (e.g. Mt 28:20) must lead us to understand that He is the equal of the Father and of the Son, and that He is God in person. So we have to go beyond appearances.

It is important to seek to understand and to deepen, with the Church (Acts 8:31), the whole breadth of the Word of God. Jesus said, for example, that we must judge the tree by its fruit, and that the goodness of the fruit is a measure of the goodness of the tree (Mt 7:20; 12:33; Lk 6:43). But there can be no better fruit than Jesus Himself. And as Jesus is the blessed fruit (Lk 1:42) from the womb of this extraordinary tree that is Mary, it is only by looking at Him that we can form an idea of the ​​greatness and goodness of the Mother of God ... Let us return to Scripture, for, as Hugues de Saint Victor summed it up, and later Saint Alphonsus of Liguori:

"Like the Mother, like the Lamb, for the tree is known by its fruit."