Lorenzo Monaco. Frescoes of the life of the Virgin Mary, 1420, Florence.
As Father Rene Laurentin writes, “Mary belongs to the three phases of salvation history: to the time which precedes Christ, to the period of His earthly life, and to the time after Christ.” The articles presented in this section follow this outline.
This section presents the genealogy of the Virgin Mary, her lineage, and her parents. Additionally, it describes her childhood, including her birth and the important events of her life as a little girl and as a young woman until the time of the Visitation.
Chosen to bear the Christ and to be the Mother of God, Mary accomplishes her destiny in an extraordinary manner. She is always intimately linked to the life of her divine Son Jesus: she accompanies Him throughout His childhood, follows Him as a disciple during His public ministry, and accompanies Him during His Passion and until His Ascension.
After the Ascension of her divine Son, the Blessed Virgin Mary fulfills her call to motherhood in her ministry alongside the Apostles. Then she completes her life on earth in an extraordinary fashion, by her Assomption into Heaven and her coronation as Queen of Heaven. Since then, she mediates in the church, pouring out her maternal affection, as our Mother, until the end of time.
About the Virgin Mary in Sacred Scripture, in the Marian Encyclopedia
Each event of Mary’s life in this section is presented through its sources, which range from the Gospels and the apocryphal gospels to the revelations of the mystics and commentaries offering a theological reflection on these events.
L'équipe de MDN.