The "Secret of Mary" is a secret of holiness
Mary is my greatest fortune
And my all at Jesus’ throne.
She is my tenderness and my honor,
The treasure house of all my worth.
I do everything in and by her,
What a secret of holiness,
Keeping me ever faithful
To always do God’s holy will.
St Louis de Montfort, Hymn 77
Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort relies on the great tradition: he is familiar with the principal Fathers of the Church in the East and the West, the medieval doctors, and the great mystics (Carmelite, Ignatian, etc.).
His doctrine is marked by the powerful christocentrism of the French school, with the same insistence on the mystery of the Incarnation.
"The Secret of Mary" (which is like a summary of the "Treatise" and a fruit of Montfort’s experience) is a true spiritual treasure.
Françoise Breynaert