Fronville: Our Lady of the Good News

In Fronville, (France) a chapel commemorates an apparition to a young shepherd, called Gulvin (or Gudin), on March 25, 1560. The shepherd heard the words:

"In three days, you will be with me in heaven."

Cures were authentified, and a local pilgrimage was begun.

In 1672, a chapel was built under the name of "Our Lady of the Good News."

The Good News or the Gospel teaches us that Christ made death a passage towards eternal life, in God up in heaven.

The Blessed Virgin Mary is in heaven, too, like her Son.


Cf. Patrick SBALCHIERO article « FRONVILLE», dans : René LAURENTIN et Patrick SBALCHIERO, Dictionnaire encyclopédique des apparitions de la Vierge. Fayard, Paris 2007.

He Who Believes in Him Has Eternal Life