The Miracle of Theophilus, Beauvais Cathedral, 13th century.
In his sixth sermon on the Nativity of Mary, Bishop Fulbert of Chartres (960-1028) used the famous story of the Miracle of Theophilus to illustrate the power of the Virgin Mary over the Devil, as an 'exemplum' (a short story with argumentative value, intended to provide a model of behaviour or morality).
The legendary life of this penitent deacon was translated into Latin by Paul Diacre and reproduced in multiple manuscripts from the 10th-12th centuries.
The story of Theophilus tells of a sinner who made a pact with the devil. After repenting, he sought the motherly help of the Virgin, who succeeded in wresting the signed document from the hands of the devil and returning it to him. He publicly burnt the pact he had signed with the devil, praising the pious Mother of God in the church, who had brought about the reconciliation.
Here is the lesson that Fulbert drew from this miracle:
"The more guilty you reveal yourselves before the majesty of God, the more you must never cease to implore total mercy before the Mother of God. In the presence of the Father you have an advocate—the very Son of the Virgin. He will be kind to your sins (cf. 1 Jn 2:1-2) as long as you are able to hope for forgiveness from himself and his Mother.[1]
-Luigi Gambero, Maria nel pensiero dei teologi latini medievali, ed San Paolo, 2000, p. 92
[1] Fulbert of Chartres, Sermo VI, PL 141, 331 B.
-onst Fulbert of Chartres (960-1028)in the Encyclopédie mariale
-on the miracle of Theophilusin the Marian Encyclopaedia
-on Mary delivers from a pact with the devilin the Marian Encyclopaedia
- on the name of Mary casts out the devilin the Marian Encyclopaedia
- on expelling evil spirits and curing all illnesses (Benedict XVI)in the Marian Encyclopaedia
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