the two holy bishops Yves de Chartres and Fulbert holding the model of his cathedral. Miracles of Notre-Dame stained glass window, Chartres, 13th century.
Canon Yves Delaporte, archivist of the Diocese of Chartres, has published a prayer attributed to Saint Fulbert of Chartres, beginning with the words Pia Virgo. This long prayer uses the expression 'mater misericordiae' (Mother of Mercy), dear to Saint Fulbert, and highlights the Virgin Mary's intercessory role. Here are a few extracts.
"Pious Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven, Mother of the Redeemer, Mother of Mercy and Piety, I humbly take refuge in You: from You and through You, I seek Mercy and Grace, so that I may obtain from Your Son my forgiveness. [...]
Holy Mother of God, ever-Virgin Mary, grant me the tears of compunction, that I may ceaselessly weep for my countless sins. As sweet as sin once was to me, let it now be sweet to do penance and to weep, not only for my own sins but also for those committed by others. [...]"
Holy and Immaculate ever-Virgin Mary, intercede for me, so that Almighty God, through the dew of His mercy, may completely extinguish in me the fire of evil desires, enkindle in me the love of perfect chastity, and grant me the strength to practice it unwaveringly. Holy and Immaculate ever-Virgin Mary, intercede and pray for me, that Almighty and merciful God may deliver me from this pestilential disease and this diabolical vice of pride and arrogance, and fill me with the spirit of humility.
Pray and intercede for me, so that Almighty God may restrain in me the vice of gluttony and grant me the virtue of moderation, in order to preserve my soul from vice and my body from intemperance.
Source :
- Yves Delaporte, « Fulbert de Chartres et l’École chartraine de chant liturgique au XIe siècle », In : Études grégoriennes, 2, 1957, p. 51-81.
-on Saint Fulbert of Chartres (960-1028), in the Encyclopédie mariale
Isabelle Rolland.