Mary Star of the Sea (Saint Fulbert of Chartres)

Mary Star of the Sea (Saint Fulbert of Chartres)

The name of Mary means Star of the Sea:

« This person, who was chosen and preeminent among daughters, surely didn't receive her name by accident or only to please her parents, as happens in most cases, but by a precise divine design that points to something great: indeed, Mary signifies star of the sea. » [1]


Like the north star that represents an indispensable point of orienteering for navigators, Christians must fix their gaze upon Mary in order to attain the final destination of their life:


« All those who adore Christ, who row their boat through the waters of this world, must turn their eyes to that star of the sea - i.e. Mary, who is close to God, the supreme pole of the universe - and direct the course of their lives by contemplating her example.

Whoever conducts himself in this way will not be tossed by the winds of vanity; will not break upon the rock of adversities; nor will he be engulfed by the frenetic whirlwinds of pleasure; instead he will reach the port of eternal rest without incidents. » [2]

Contemplating, following and imitating Mary

Contemplating, following and imitating Mary have great spiritual advantages for the believer.

Saint Fulbert lists them:

  • strength of soul, prudence, and a simple faith especially manifest in her conversation with the Archangel Gabriel; justice: the virtue with which she obeyed all the prescriptions of God's law;
  • temperance: which made « the lily of virginity blossom in the valley of humility" [3].


This wonderful assortment of virtues created in her person a fascinating psychological and spiritual harmony.

God himself found his delights in it

We are encouraged to glorify the Lord and imitate such a splendid combination of holiness, by attaining our salvation in this way.


[1] Sermo IV, PL 141, 321 D - 322 A

[2] Sermo IV, PL 141, 322 AB

[3] Sermo IV, PL 141, 322 D