Rocamadour: The Virgin of Majesty

Rocamadour is located 5 km from Gramat (Lot, France).

Do tourists and hikers who come by this high place to just take a look and marvel at it, know what it really is?

Do they know that here, for many centuries and still today, other visitors called "pilgrims" have come to let their hearts and their souls be touched by a greater wonder than the simple landscape?

Sure! Rocamadour is most of all a high place for the spiritual! A Marian high place! One must admit and defend this truth that if today people can come and enjoy this unique, extraordinary place, it is because the Virgin, in the silence of the rocky cliff, had welcomed and attracted crowds since the 11th century.

Mary, the young woman of Nazareth, became the most fulfilled woman and mother, by giving flesh and blood to the very author of Life itself, Jesus, Christ, the Son of God!

The "Heart" of Rocamadour is the Chapel of Our Lady!

Upon entering, we are surprised by the darkness, and our eye is immediately drawn to the One who reigns here, who has been here for such a long time.

A deep emotion fills us, when we realize that we are not the first to arrive here, before the Icon of Majesty. For centuries before our time, men, women, and children have come to offer their prayers to the Virgin of Majesty: Mary.

She is right there, before us, on the altar, a Virgin of Majesty; sitting like a queen on her throne, for she holds on her left knee the King of the World and the Universe: Jesus, the Son of God. She too forms a throne for Him; for Mary is called "Throne of Wisdom."

Prayer to Our Lady of Rocamadour


I stand before you, O Our Lady of Rocamadour,

Who always hears the prayers of those who have recourse to you.

Grant me bodily health to serve God and my human brethren.

Grant also the same precious blessing to those I love in this world.

I entrust to you all these lives that are dear to me.

Have pity on those who suffer in their body or their soul, O Mother of all.

With bodily health grant us spiritual wholeness.

In the midst of life's trials and worries, keep our faith firm,

Solid like this rock which shelters you and where you welcome your children

with such love.

Our Lady of Rocamadour, guard us, save us.



Feast days:

August 15: Assumption of Mary.

Marian week around September 8 (Nativity of Mary).

Great Pardon: June 24. (Like in Brittany, the origin of this ritual comes from the division of the parishes in the different neighborhoods. Once or twice a year, the locals would get together to bring back unity to their confraternities and forgive each other the hurts and injuries, and consolidate the parish community.)


A few links and pictures

The santuary in the country

The chapel

More information (official website)