Interior of Saint-Serge Church, Coptic Quarter of Old Cairo.
The liturgical commemoration of the Nativity of Mary used to be celebrated in the Coptic rite on 10 tût (20 September), taking into account the time difference with the Gregorian calendar. It has now been moved to the 1st bashans (9th May).
The origin of the liturgical commemoration of the Nativity of Mary is linked to the church built in the 5th century in Jerusalem, in the vicinity of the probatic pool, which according to tradition was the home of Joachim and Anne [Mary's parents].
Originally, this feast was celebrated by the Copts on 10 Tût (20 September), so, given the 13-day difference with the Gregorian calendar, this day corresponded roughly to that of the other churches (7 September).
Nowadays, it is celebrated around 9 May (1st bashans).
During the liturgy, a story is read that is somewhat similar to that of 13 August for the feast of the Conception of Mary. This story tells of the sterility of Anne and Joachim. One day Joachim was praying on the mountain and fell asleep. An angel appeared to him in a dream to tell him of the miraculous conception...
"Joachim, without doubting what he had heard theangelJoachim, not doubting what he had heard from the angel, came down from the mountain and told his wife Ann.
She gave thanks to God, certain of the truth of what she had been told, and vowed to offer the child she would bear to God, so that the child could serve the Lord and live in his house all the days of his life.
After this, she conceived and bore a child to whom she gave the name Mary, which means Lady or Grace. Indeed, she is the Lady of the whole world and the Queen of all women, and it is through her that grace has been given to us. May her intercession keep us.[1] "
The Coptic liturgy - for the feasts of Anne and Joachim - states that Anne, Mary's mother, is from the tribe of Levi or Aaron, while Joachim, Mary's father, is from the tribe of Judah or David.
Gabriele GIAMBERARDINI, Il culto mariano in Egitto. Jerusalem 1974, vol 3, p.43 and p. 138-139.
-on thehe birth of Mary in the liturgies of the worldin the Marian Encyclopaedia
-on the Nativity of Mary in the Byzantine rite (8 September)in the Marian Encyclopaedia
-on the Nativity of Mary in the Roman rite (8 September), in the Marian Encyclopaedia
-on the Solemnities and feasts of the Virgin Mary (Roman Catholic liturgy)in the Marian Encyclopaedia
Synthèse Françoise Breynaert et l’équipe de MDN.