Andrea di Bartolo. Nativity of the Virgin Mary, c.1400. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.
The date of the feast of the Nativity of Mary (8 September) is linked to the date of the dedication of the church near Anne's house in Jerusalem. Later, the feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary was added on 8 December, 9 months before the feast of the Nativity of Mary. This is a great feast, celebrating the dawn of salvation.The liturgical prayers link Mary's birth with her divine maternity.
The liturgical texts guide our faith, not without a profound sense of wonder. In a sober but sure manner, these texts point us towards the joy and beauty of everything that comes from God; these texts have remained very close to the first liturgical prayers of the 7th century.
We should also note that the focus of our attention is not Mary, but Christ, the most good God.
"Let us celebrate joy the birth of the Virgin Mary, through whom has come to us the Sun of justicethe Christ our God.[1]
"Open to your servants, O most good God, your riches of grace; since the maternity of the Virgin Mary was for us the beginning of salvationmay the feast of her Nativity bring us an increase of peace. Through Jesus".[2]
First reading Micah 5:1-4a (the Messiah King will be born in Bethlehem) or Romans 8:28-30 (God calls, justifies, glorifies).
Gospel Matthew 1, 1-16.18-23 (genealogy of Jesus, Mary conceived virginally, by the Holy Spirit).
"In your love may your only Son come to our aid, Lord since his birth did not alter but consecrated the virginity of his mother, may he deliver us today from our sins and make this offering pleasing to you, who reigns with you for ever and ever. He who reigns with you for ever and ever.
The prayer over the offerings in Paul VI's missal takes up the prayer over the offerings in the sacramentary of Pope Saint Gregory the Great around the year 600.
"That is why we are gathered together before you and in communion of the wholeChurchwe celebrate the day of the birth of the Virgin Mary Mary, whom you chose from the beginning to be the mother of our Redeemer and Saviour, Jesus Christ.Christ. Through him, Almighty God, we beseech you to consecrate the offerings we bring".[3]
"Through this communion, Lordyou restore the strength of your Church give her exultation joyjoy at the nativity of the Virgin Mary Mary, who brought to the world hope and the dawn of Salvation. Through JesusChristour Lord. "
Source :
-Pope Paul VI, Missel Romain. Desclée Mame, 1969.
-Homily (Father Benoît Moradei) on the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary and consecration to the Virgin Mary in the sanctuary of Notre-Dame du Laus, online
-Onthe birth of Mary in the liturgies of the world, in the Marian Encyclopaedia
-on the Nativity of Mary in the Byzantine rite (8 September)in the Marian Encyclopaedia
-on the Nativity of Mary in the Coptic rite (1° bashans)in the Marian Encyclopaedia
-on the Solemnities and Feasts of the Virgin Mary (Roman Catholic liturgy)in the Marian Encyclopaedia
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